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Product brochure RTO2000 Digital oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 3

ОписаниеDigital Oscilloscope
Страниц / Страница46 / 3 — Advanced user interface. Engineered for power measurements. Best …
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Advanced user interface. Engineered for power measurements. Best oscilloscope performance

Advanced user interface Engineered for power measurements Best oscilloscope performance

LED-драйверы MOSO для рекламной и архитектурно-декоративной подсветки – оптимальное решение при низкой стоимости

Текстовая версия документа

Advanced user interface
❙High-resolution capacitive touchscreen with gesture Digital Oscilloscope support ❙Easily customizable waveform display with R&S®SmartGrid technology Benefits and ❙Fast access to important tools ❙Clear orientation thanks to color coding ❙App cockpit to quickly set up analysis functions key features ▷ page 10
Engineered for power measurements
▷ page 16
Best oscilloscope performance Engineered for multi-domain challenges
❙Precise measurements due to very low noise level ❙MSO analysis: unrivaled in its class ❙Up to 16-bit vertical resolution ❙High definition: see more with up to 16-bit resolution ❙Trigger on any signal detail you can see ❙Spectrum analysis ❙Quickly find signal faults with 1 million waveforms/s ❙EMI debugging ❙Integrated spectrum analysis ❙Signal analysis ▷ page 4 ❙Integrated arbitrary waveform generator ❙Serial protocols: easy triggering and decoding
Widest range of capabilities
❙Automatic compliance tests ❙Industry-leading 2 Gsample deep memory ❙Signal integrity measurement with jitter analysis ❙First zone trigger in time and frequency domain ▷ page 19 ❙Analyze previous acquisitions – always available in history buffer
Powerful probes
❙Deep toolset for signal analysis ▷ page 39 ▷ page 7
Extensive range of accessories
▷ page 40
Models Base unit Channels Sampling Acquisition memory Acquisition rate Mixed signal analysis (MSO) rate
R&S®RTO2064 (6 GHz bandwidth) 1) 4 20 Gsample/s 50 Msample per channel, 1 million wave- 400 MHz bandwidth, max. 2 Gsample forms per second 5 Gsample/s sampling rate, R&S®RTO2044 (4 GHz bandwidth) 4 20 Gsample/s 200 Msample memory depth R&S®RTO2034 (3 GHz bandwidth) 4 10 Gsample/s R&S®RTO2032 (3 GHz bandwidth) 2 R&S®RTO2024 (2 GHz bandwidth) 4 R&S®RTO2022 (2 GHz bandwidth) 2 R&S®RTO2014 (1 GHz bandwidth) 4 R&S®RTO2012 (1 GHz bandwidth) 2 R&S®RTO2004 (600 MHz bandwidth) 4 R&S®RTO2002 (600 MHz bandwidth) 2 1) 6 GHz on 2 channels, 4 GHz on 4 channels.
Rohde & Schwarz
R&S®RTO2000 Digital Oscilloscope
RTO2000_bro_en_3607-2684-12_v0901.indd 3 23.11.2017 14:54:09
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