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Product brochure RTA4000 oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 10

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R&S. ProbeMeter: integrated voltmeter for precise DC measurements. Extensive probe range for all measurement tasks

R&S ProbeMeter: integrated voltmeter for precise DC measurements Extensive probe range for all measurement tasks

Универсальные LED-драйверы семейства X6E от MOSO

Текстовая версия документа

The right probe can assign it different functions, such as run/stop, autoset and adjust offset. for the best
ProbeMeter: integrated voltmeter for precise DC measurements
measurement One connection lets you see the oscilloscope waveform and gives you access to a highly accurate voltmeter that shows the DC value regardless of other instrument settings. ▷ For more information, see the product brochure: Probes and accessories for Rohde & Schwarz oscillo- scopes (PD 3606.8866.12). More than 30: dedicated probes Micro button: for convenient instrument control 0.01 % accuracy: with R&S®ProbeMeter
Extensive probe range for all measurement tasks
A complete portfolio of high-quality passive and active probes covers all measurement tasks. With an input im- pedance of 1 MΩ, the active probes put only a minimum load on a signal source’s operating point. The very large dynamic range, even at high frequencies, prevents signal distortion – for example: 60 V (V ) at 1 GHz for the active pp single-ended probes.
Complete portfolio for power measurements
The portfolio of dedicated probes for power measure- ments includes active and passive probes for the different voltage and current ranges – from μA to kA and from μV to kV. Dedicated power rail probes detect even small and sporadic distortions on DC power rails.
Micro button for convenient instrument control
The situation is all too familiar. You've carefully positioned the probe on the device under test and want to start the measurements – but you don't have a free hand. The micro button on Rohde & Schwarz active probes solves this prob- Practical design: micro button for convenient instrument control. Diverse lem. It is conveniently situated on the probe tip, and you probe tips and ground cables are included as standard accessories.
Probe type Ideal for measuring Recommended probes
Standard passive probe Single-ended voltages, max. bandwidth 500 MHz R&S®RT-ZP10 comes as standard with the R&S®RTA4000 Active broadband probe Singled-ended voltages, up to 8 GHz bandwidth R&S®RT-ZS10E, R&S®RT-ZS10, R&S®RT-ZS20 Power integrity probe Disturbances on power rails with high offsets, greater than R&S®RT-ZPR20 2 GHz bandwidth High voltage probe High single-ended and differential voltages, up to 6 kV R&S®RT-ZHD007, R&S®RT-ZHD15, R&S®RT-ZHD16, R&S®RT-ZHD60 Current probe Currents from µAs to kAs R&S®RT-ZC05B, R&S®RT-ZC10B, R&S®RT-ZC15B, R&S®RT-ZC20B, R&S®RT-ZC30 EMC near-field probe EMI debugging up to 3 GHz R&S®HZ-15
RTA4000_bro_en_5215-1776-12_v0303.indd 10 01.03.2018 11:02:03
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