點晶科技股份有限公司 SILICON TOUCH TECHNOLOGY INC . 新竹市科學園區展業一路 9 號 7 樓之 1 9-7F-1, Prosperity RoadⅠ, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C. DD311 Tel:886-3-5645656 Fax:886-3-5645626 VLIREFRLOptional REXT OUT CLEDOptionalR EN C VSS GND CL Switching Characteristics Test Circuit Transient Characteristics In order to reduce the overshoot or undershoot(Vout) during switching large current, it is recommended adding a large enough capacitor between VLED and GND to keep LED supply voltage(VLED) stable. The longer rise time and fall time of the EN dimming signal, adjustable by RC filter, produce the smooth transient response of output current. The two output waveforms illustrating the EN dimming signal with and without RC filter are given below: without RC filter with RC filter HIGH CONSTANT CURRENT LED DRIVERVersion:PRE.001 Page 5