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Datasheet LT1357 (Analog Devices)

ПроизводительAnalog Devices
Описание25MHz, 600V/µs Op Amp
Страниц / Страница12 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. 25MHz Gain Bandwidth. 600V/. s Slew Rate. 2.5mA …
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FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. 25MHz Gain Bandwidth. 600V/. s Slew Rate. 2.5mA Maximum Supply Current. APPLICATIONS. TYPICAL APPLICATION

Datasheet LT1357 Analog Devices

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LT1357 25MHz, 600V/µs Op Amp

25MHz Gain Bandwidth
The LT®1357 is a high speed, very high slew rate opera- ■
s Slew Rate
tional amplifier with outstanding AC and DC performance. ■
2.5mA Maximum Supply Current
The LT1357 has much lower supply current, lower input ■ Unity-Gain Stable offset voltage, lower input bias current, and higher DC gain ■ C-LoadTM Op Amp Drives All Capacitive Loads than devices with comparable bandwidth. The circuit ■ 8nV/√Hz Input Noise Voltage topology is a voltage feedback amplifier with the ■ 600µV Maximum Input Offset Voltage slewing characteristics of a current feedback amplifier. ■ 500nA Maximum Input Bias Current The amplifier is a single gain stage with outstanding ■ 120nA Maximum Input Offset Current settling characteristics which makes the circuit an ideal ■ 20V/mV Minimum DC Gain, RL=1k choice for data acquisition systems. The output drives a ■ 115ns Settling Time to 0.1%, 10V Step 500Ω load to ±12V with ±15V supplies and a 150Ω ■ 220ns Settling Time to 0.01%, 10V Step load to ±2.5V on ±5V supplies. The amplifier is also ■ ±12V Minimum Output Swing into 500Ω stable with any capacitive load which makes it useful in ■ ±2.5V Minimum Output Swing into 150Ω buffer or cable driver applications. ■ Specified at ±2.5V, ±5V, and ±15V The LT1357 is a member of a family of fast, high perfor-
mance amplifiers using this unique topology and employ-
ing Linear Technology Corporation’s advanced bipolar ■ complementary processing. For dual and quad amplifier Wideband Amplifiers ■ Buffers versions of the LT1357 see the LT1358/LT1359 data ■ Active Filters sheet. For higher bandwidth devices with higher supply ■ current see the LT1360 through LT1365 data sheets. For Data Acquisition Systems ■ Photodiode Amplifiers lower supply current amplifiers see the LT1354 and LT1355/ LT1356 data sheets. Singles, duals, and quads of each , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. C-Load is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation amplifier are available.
U TYPICAL APPLICATION DAC I-to-V Converter AV = –1 Large-Signal Response
6pF 12 5k DAC – INPUTS 565A-TYPE LT1357 VOUT + 0.1µF 5k V V +I k OUT 5 Ω + < LSB ( ) OS OS 1 AVOL 1357 TA01 1357 TA02 1
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