AD7470/AD7472PIN CONFIGURATIONSDB7124 DB6DB9124 DB8DB8223 DB5DB10223 DB7(MSB) DB9322 DB4(MSB) DB11322 DB6AV421DDVDRIVEAV421DDVDRIVEREF IN520 DVREF IN520 DVAD7470DDAD7472DDV6INTOP VIEW19 DGNDV6INTOP VIEW19 DGND(Not to Scale)AGND718 DB3(Not to Scale)AGND718 DB5CS 817 DB2CS 817 DB4RD 916 DB1RD 916 DB3CONVST 1015 DB0 (LSB)CONVST 1015 DB2CLKIN 1114 NCCLKIN 1114 DB1BUSY 1213 NCBUSY 1213 DB0 (LSB)NC = NO CONNECTPIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONSMnemonicFunction CS Chip Select. Active low logic input used in conjunction with RD to access the conversion result. The conversion result is placed on the data bus following the falling edge of both CS and RD. CS and RD are both connected to the same AND gate on the input so the signals are interchangeable. CS can be hardwired permanently low. RD Read Input. Logic input used in conjunction with CS to access the conversion result. The conversion result is placed on the data bus following the falling edge of both CS and RD. CS and RD are both connected to same AND gate on the input so the signals are interchangeable. CS and RD can be hardwired permanently low, in which case the data bus is always active and the result of the new conversion is clocked out slightly before to the BUSY line going low. CONVST Conversion Start Input. Logic input used to initiate conversion. The input track-and-hold amplifier goes from track mode to hold mode on the falling edge of CONVST, and the conversion process is initiated at this point. The conversion input can be as narrow as 10 ns. If the CONVST input is kept low for the duration of conversion and is still low at the end of conversion, the part will automatically enter sleep mode. If the part enters this sleep mode, the next rising edge of CONVST wakes up the part. Wake-up time for the part is typically 1 µs. CLK IN Master Clock Input. The clock source for the conversion process is applied to this pin. Conversion time for the AD7472 takes 14 clock cycles, and conversion time for the AD7470 takes 12 clock cycles. The frequency of this master clock input, therefore, determines the conversion time and achievable throughput rate. While the ADC is not converting, the clock-in pad is in three-state and thus no clock is going through the part. BUSY BUSY Output. Logic output indicating the status of the conversion process. The BUSY signal goes high after the falling edge of CONVST and stays high for the duration of conversion. Once conversion is complete and the con- version result is in the output register, the BUSY line returns low. The track-and-hold returns to track mode just prior to the falling edge of BUSY, and the acquisition time for the part begins when BUSY goes low. If the CONVST input is still low when BUSY goes low, the part automatically enters its sleep mode on the falling edge of BUSY. REF IN Reference Input. An external reference must be applied to this input. The voltage range for the external reference is 2.5 V ± 1% for specified performance. AVDD Analog Supply Voltage, 2.7 V to 5.25 V. This is the only supply voltage for all analog circuitry on the AD7470/ AD7472. The AVDD and DVDD voltages should ideally be at the same potential and must not be more than 0.3 V apart even on a transient basis. This supply should be decoupled to AGND. DVDD Digital Supply Voltage, 2.7 V to 5.25 V. This is the supply voltage for all digital circuitry on the AD7470/ AD7472 aside from the output drivers. The DVDD and AVDD voltages should ideally be at the same potential and must not be more than 0.3 V apart even on a transient basis. This supply should be decoupled to DGND. AGND Analog Ground. Ground reference point for all analog circuitry on the AD7470/AD7472. All analog input signals and any external reference signal should be referred to this AGND voltage. The AGND and DGND voltages should ideally be at the same potential and must not be more than 0.3 V apart even on a transient basis. REV. B –7– Document Outline FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS SPECIFICATIONS TIMING SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ORDERING GUIDE PIN CONFIGURATIONS PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS TERMINOLOGY Integral Nonlinearity Differential Nonlinearity Offset Error Gain Error Track-and-Hold Acquisition Time Signal to (Noise + Distortion) Ratio Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Peak Harmonic or Spurious Noise Intermodulation Distortion Aperture Delay Aperture Jitter CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION CONVERTER OPERATION TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM ADC TRANSFER FUNCTION AC ACQUISITION TIME Reference Input DC ACQUISITION TIME ANALOG INPUT CLOCK SOURCES PARALLEL INTERFACE OPERATING MODES Mode 1 (High Speed Sampling) Mode 2 (Sleep Mode) Burst Mode VDRIVE POWER-UP Power vs. Throughput Mode 1 Mode 2 Typical Performance Characteristics GROUNDING AND LAYOUT POWER SUPPLIES MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING AD7470/AD7472 to ADSP-2185 Interface AD7470/AD7472 to ADSP-21065 Interface AD7470/AD7472 to TMS320C25 Interface AD7470/AD7472 to PIC17C4x Interface AD7470/AD7472 to 80C186 Interface OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Revision History