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Datasheet LTC3130, LTC3130-1 (Analog Devices)

ПроизводительAnalog Devices
Описание25V, 600mA Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter with 1.6µA Quiescent Current
Страниц / Страница38 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. Regulates VOUT Above, Below or Equal to VIN. Wide …
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FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. Regulates VOUT Above, Below or Equal to VIN. Wide VIN Range: 2.4V to 25V,

Datasheet LTC3130, LTC3130-1 Analog Devices

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LTC3130/LTC3130-1 25V, 600mA Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter with 1.6µA Quiescent Current
Regulates VOUT Above, Below or Equal to VIN
The LTC3130/LTC3130-1 are high efficiency, low noise, n
Wide VIN Range: 2.4V to 25V,
600mA buck-boost converters with wide VIN and VOUT
<1V to 25V (Using EXTVCC Input)
ranges. For high efficiency operation at light loads, n
VOUT Range: 1V to 25V
Burst Mode operation can be selected, reducing the quies- n
Adjustable Output Voltage (LTC
cent current to just 1.6µA. Converter start-up is achieved n
Four Selectable Fixed Output Voltages (LTC3130-1)
from sources as low as 7.5µW. n
1.2µA No-Load Input Current in Burst Mode
® The LTC3130/LTC3130-1 employ an ultralow noise, 1.2MHz
Operation (VIN = 12V, VOUT = 5V)
PWM architecture that minimizes solution footprint by n
600mA Output Current in Buck Mode
allowing the use of tiny, low profile inductors and ceramic n
Pin-Selectable 850mA/450mA Current Limit (LTC3130)
capacitors. Built-in loop compensation and soft-start n Up to 95% Efficiency reduces external parts count and simplifies the design. n Pin-Selectable Burst Mode Operation Features include an accurate RUN comparator threshold to n 1.2MHz Ultralow Noise PWM Frequency allow predictable regulator turn-on and a maximum power n Accurate RUN Pin Threshold point control (MPPC) capability that ensures maximum n Power Good Indicator power extraction from non-ideal sources such as photo- n Programmable Maximum Power Point Control voltaic panels. The LTC3130-1 includes an internal voltage n IQ = 500nA in Shutdown divider to provide four selectable fixed output voltages. n Thermally-Enhanced 20-Lead 3mm × 4mm QFN and 16-Lead MSOP Packages Additional features include a power good output, an external VCC input and thermal shutdown.
The LTC3130 and LTC3130-1 are available in thermally- n enhanced 20-lead 3mm × 4mm QFN and 16-lead MSOP Long-Life, Battery-Operated Instruments n packages. Portable Military Radios n Low Power Sensors L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology, the Linear logo and Burst Mode are registered trademarks and PowerPath is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the n Solar Panel Post-Regulator/Charger property of their respective owners.
100 22nF 22nF 6.8µH 90 80 VIN 4 Li-Ion BST1 SW1 SW2 BST2 VOUT 70 PVIN VOUT 12V 60 10µF V 600mA IN 10µF 50 RUN EXTVCC LTC3130-1 40 + VCC MPPC EFFICIENCY (%) 30 MODE PGOOD 20 VS1 10 VS2 VCC VIN = 14.4V, VOUT = 12V GND PGND 4.7µF 00.01 0.1 1 10 100 800 3130 TA01a LOAD (mA) 3130 TA01b 3130f For more information www.linear.com/LTC3130 1 Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration Order Information Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions LTC3130 Block Diagram LTC3130-1 Block Diagram Operation Applications Information Package Description Typical Application Related Parts
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