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Product brochure RTM3000 oscilloscope (Rohde&Schwarz) - 10

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See power signal details with up to 10-bit. resolution. Analyze the input, output and transfer function of

See power signal details with up to 10-bit resolution Analyze the input, output and transfer function of

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The best choice for
See power signal details with up to 10-bit resolution
power Even the smallest signal details of a high dynamic signal matter for power measurements. Verification of R of a DS(on) MOSFET is one example. The high ADC resolution of the R&S®RTM3000 oscilloscopes increases the vertical resolu- tion up to 10 bit. Previously unseen signal details become

Analyze the input, output and transfer function of
visible and measurable. In the R example, this makes DS(on)
switched-mode power supplies
it possible to measure the slope of the drain-to-source-

Measurement wizard for fast results
voltage while the switch is closed.

Simple and fast documentation

Analyze harmonic current in line with conventional Complete probe portfolio for power EN, MIL and RTCA standards measurements
Accurate voltage and current probes with a suitable mea- surement range are critical for power measurements. Rohde & Schwarz offers a complete probe portfolio for dif- ferent power measurement applications – ranging from μA to kA and from μV to kV. Perfect instruments for power measurements thanks to diverse functionality, rugged design and small footprint.
RTM3000_bro_en_5214-9144-12_v0402.indd 10 01.03.2018 08:46:09
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